Can I Use Interfaces from Different Scanner Vendors with Corsmed?

Short answer

We have purposely decided to only offer one interface for the simulator, for 3 reasons:

Reason 1 – For Students and Trainees

The reason is that we want you as Corsmed user to master the underlying MRI physics – not a specific vendor interface.

As an MRI technologist, you will encounter multiple vendor interfaces throughout your career. Every interface will be slightly different, but they all share the same parameters and use the same underlying MRI physics to generate images.

These common parameters and MRI physics principles are what you really want to master when you use Corsmed.

As a Corsmed user, this helps you focus on learning the common parameters and MRI physics that all vendors share – which is ultimately what matters to an MRI technologist who want to produce high-quality images.

Reason 2 – For Teachers

As an MRI teacher, a single interface also simplifies your teaching since your students won’t get distracted by differences in the vendor interfaces. All students will use the same interface, which puts the focus on learning the physics and how each parameter affects the resulting image.

So if you practice on the Corsmed interface, you can apply the skills you learn on any vendor interface to produce high-quality images.

Reason 3 – For All Users

We have purposefully made the interface to reflect all industry standard interfaces and their respective languages at the same time.

We wanted everyone to feel "at home" in Corsmed regardless of what scanner they are otherwise used to, and to have an easy way to bring what they learn back to the real life scanner they otherwise use.

Similarly, many students around the world do their first ever scans on Corsmed, and we wanted them to have an easy way to go from the Corsmed simulator into the real world as well.

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A laptop displaying Corsmed's MRI simulator interface. The screen shows three cross-sectional knee scan images with pulse sequence settings being adjusted in the bottom panel.