Apart from our simulation technologies and products, Corsmed works on cutting-edge research to improve the throughput of scanners using software-based solutions.
Our reconstruction methods and novel sequences allows for up to 10X faster scans, with retained or improved quality and resolution.
Current results: full 3D, 1mm isotropic brain in 3 minutes.
Our data is fully quantitative and optimized for building faster, better, and more cost-effective AI methods and longitudinal studies.
Our data format enhances the performance of AI algorithms, enabling precise analysis and robust modeling.
Corsmed has a strong academic background, and has been built from our research of more than 10 years.
We have conducted multiple research studies, the ones we have published can be found below.
Our technologies described on this page are not regulatory approved by agencies such as the FDA or CE.
Additionally, please note that the majority of our studies are not made public, and access is restricted to authorized users only.