What MRI Scenarios and Protocols Can I Simulate on Corsmed?

Short answer

Corsmed can simulate the vast majority of what a real MRI scanner can do.

On Corsmed’s simulator you can:

  • Select among 12 different coils on the scanner, and magnetic field strengths ranging from 0.25T to 3T.
  • Choose any part of the body to scan – both male and female body – including brain, head and neck, cardiac, lumbar spine, cervical spine, breast, liver, pelvis, prostate, shoulder, foot and ankle, hand and wrist, etc.
  • Plan how the slices are positioned and angled.
  • Choose among 25 different pulse sequences to run, including: Spin Echo, Turbo Spin Echo, Gradient Echo, bSSFP, CINE, DIXON, FLAIR, Inversion Recoveries, MOLLI, etc.
  • For every pulse sequence, specify more than 25 different parameters, including Field-of-View (FOV), Matrix Phase and Read, Number of Slices, Slice Gap and Thickness, Echo Time (TE), Repetition Time (TR), Inversion Time (TI), Foldover Direction, Turbo Factor, etc.

See this article for The Complete Settings List for Corsmed's MRI Simulator.

Beyond the Real-World Limits: What Corsmed's Simulator Can Do That a Real MRI Scanner Can't

In addition to all the above, you can also do many more things on Corsmed’s simulator that are not possible when using a real MRI scanner and real patients.

In the real world, what MRI scans you can perform is constrained by the following 4 factors:

  1. The functionality of your local scanner:
    • Real world: You are restricted to only the magnetic field strengths and coils of the scanner that is available in your local area.
    • With Corsmed: You get access to all field strengths, from the lowest 0.25T to the highest 3T, and with all possible coils.
  2. What patient conditions and pathologies are available:
    • Real world: You can only practice on whatever medical conditions are currently experienced by patients in your local area. You also can’t experiment freely on real patients, since you risk hurting them if you apply the wrong scanner settings.
    • With Corsmed: Every patient condition and pathology is instantly available at your fingertips. You can choose whatever condition you most need to upskill on – and you can practice safely without fear of hurting a real patient.
  3. How patients move and fidget during the scan:
    • Real world: You have no control over to what degree patients move or fidget during the scan. You may run two identical scans on the same patient, and still get different images because the patient moved differently in each scan. This unpredictable feedback makes it hard to learn what inputs result in what outputs.
    • With Corsmed: You have complete control over every aspect of the patient that can affect the image. You can control their movements, breathing pattern, and even their heart rate for cardiac scans. This lets you test exactly how each input on the scanner affects the resulting image, without worrying about external “noise” from the patient.
  4. Time and money constraints:
    • Real world: Your practice time is likely limited to only a handful scans. A single scan on a real MRI scanner takes about 15-90 minutes before you get the resulting images, and every hour of usage will cost you about $400-$2,000.
    • With Corsmed: Once you buy Corsmed license, you can perform as many scans as you want at no extra charge. It’s “All you can eat”. The simulator generates images ~10X faster than a real scanner, allowing you to complete 10X more scans in the same amount of time.


With Corsmed, you can do everything you can on a real MRI scanner – and a lot more that you would normally be constrained from doing in the the real world.

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A laptop displaying Corsmed's MRI simulator interface. The screen shows three cross-sectional knee scan images with pulse sequence settings being adjusted in the bottom panel.