The Complete List of Settings for Corsmed's MRI Simulator

We are often asked what Corsmed’s MRI simulator can do.

The answer is: a lot.

Below is a complete list of all body parts, patient conditions, pulse sequences, and scanner settings you can customize on Corsmed’s simulator.

For the curious, the total number of combinations of all the settings on Corsmed’s simulator is greater than 1050.

To put that in perspective, it is more possible MRI protocols than the total number of atoms on planet Earth.

Standard Settings and Options:

Body Parts and Slice Planning

For all body regions listed below, you can also plan how the slices are positioned and angled in any way you want.

Head and Neck Region:

  • Brain
  • Neck
  • Pituitary gland
  • IAC / IAM
  • Orbits
  • Temporomandibular Joint


  • Cervical Spine (Neck)
  • Thoracic Spine (Upper back)
  • Lumbar Spine (Lower back)
  • Sacral Spine (Pelvic region)
  • Coccygeal Spine (Tailbone)


  • Lungs
  • Cardiac (heart)
    • Myocardium (heart muscle)
    • Heart chambers
    • Aorta and other major vessels
  • Breasts
  • Mediastinum
    • Esophagus
    • Trachea
    • Lymph nodes
    • Thymus gland


  • Liver
  • Gallbladder
  • Pancreas
  • Spleen
  • Kidneys
  • Adrenal glands
  • Stomach
  • Small intestine
  • Large intestine (colon)


  • Prostate
  • Uterus
  • Ovary
  • Bladder
  • Rectum
  • Anal fistula
  • Lymph nodes

Upper Extremities:

  • Clavicle
  • Pectoralis
  • Shoulder
  • Humerus
  • Forearm
  • Elbow
  • Wrist
  • Hand and Fingers

Lower Extremities:

  • Hip
  • Thigh and Femur
  • Knee
  • Leg and Tibia/Fibula
  • Ankle
  • Foot
  • Plantar Plate

Vascular System:

  • Carotid arteries
  • Aorta (thoracic)
  • Femoral arteries
  • Pulmonary arteries and aorta
  • Cerebral arteries and veins
  • Inferior and superior vena cava


  • Tumors
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Myocardial Infarction (MI)
  • Metastasis

Patient Settings

Patient Motion:

  • None
  • Translational
  • Rotational

Breathing Mode:

  • Breathhold at Exhale
  • Breathhold at Inhale
  • Free-breathing

Heart Condition:

  • Healthy
  • Myocardial Infarction

Cardiac Triggering

  • Cardiac Phase

Brain Condition:

  • Healthy
  • Mild MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
  • Moderate MS
  • Severe MS
  • Tumor

Scanner Settings


  • Spine coil Rx
  • Cardiac coil Rx
  • Head Birdcage Rx
  • Gantry Birdcage Rx
  • Single Anterior Rx
  • Single Posterior Rx
  • Single Left Rx
  • Single Right Rx
  • 4x Conformal Rx
  • 8x Conformal Rx
  • 8x Planar Rx
  • Optimal Rx

Magnetic Field Strength, B0:

  • 0.25T
  • 0.31T
  • 0.4T
  • 0.55T
  • 1.5T
  • 3T

Maximum Gradient Strength (Milliteslas per Meter):

  • 33 mT/m
  • 45 mT/m
  • 60 mT/m
  • 80 mT/m

Simulation Settings

  • Noise: On/Off
  • Physiological Motion: On/Off
  • Chemical Shift: On/Off
  • Susceptibility: On/Off
  • T2*: On/Off

Pulse Sequences

  1. Balanced Steady State Free Precession (bSSFP)
  2. CINE imaging (SSFP)
  3. DIXON
  4. Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)
  5. Gradient Echo (GRE)
  6. Gradient Echo - Out Of Phase
  7. Gradient Recalled Echo - Echo Planar Imaging (GRE-EPI)
  8. Inversion Recovery (IR) Spin-Echo
  9. Inversion Recovery (IR) bSSFP
  10. Inversion Recovery Turbo Spin Echo (IR-TSE)
  11. Late Gadolinium Enhancement (LGE)
  12. MOLLI
  13. MP-RAGE
  14. Perfusion imaging (GRE)
  15. Single-Shot Fast Spin Echo (SS-FSE)
  16. Spin Echo - Echo Planar Imaging (SE-EPI)
  17. Spin Echo (SE)
  18. Susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI-GRE-2D) BETA
  19. TI Scout
  20. T2-prepared SSFP
  21. Trace Diffusion-Weighted Imaging BETA
  22. Turbo Spin Echo (TSE)
  23. 3D Balanced Steady State Free Precession (3D bSSFP)
  24. 3D Gradient Recalled Echo (3D GRE)
  25. 3D Turbo Spin Echo (3D TSE)

Pulse Sequence Parameters:

Geometry Parameters

  • Field-of-View (FOV), Read:  100mm - 500mm
  • Field-of-View (FOV), Phase:  100mm - 500mm
  • Matrix, Read:  60-512
  • Matrix, Phase:  60-512
  • Slice Number: 1-50 slices
  • Slice Thickness:  1mm - 40mm (steps of 0.5mm)
  • Slice Gap:  0-10mm
  • Foldover Direction (Phase):
    • AP (Anterior-Posterior)
    • FH (Foot-Head)
    • RL (Right-Left)
  • Plane Orientation:
    • Coronal (COR)
    • Transaxial/Axial (TRA)
    • Sagittal (SAG)

Sequence Parameters

  • Echo Time (TE):  7ms - 200ms
  • Repetition Time (TR):  6ms - 20,000ms
  • NEX/NSA/Averages:  1-10
  • Flip Angle:  1-180°
  • Foldover Suppression:  Yes/No
  • Bandwidth: 50,000 Hz - 250,000 Hz
  • Bandwidth/pixel: 781.3 Hz - 3906.3 Hz

Reconstruction Parameters

  • Surface Coil Intensity Correction:  On/Off
  • 1-pixel k-Space Shift:  Yes/No

Advanced Parameters

  • Radiofrequency Duration:  3ms - 10ms
  • Enable Saturation Bands: Yes/No
  • Enable Multiple Stacks:  Yes/No
  • Use Minimum Echo Spacing:  Yes/No
  • Remove Cross-Talk:  Yes/No
  • Use Effective TE:  Yes/No

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A laptop displaying Corsmed's MRI simulator interface. The screen shows three cross-sectional knee scan images with pulse sequence settings being adjusted in the bottom panel.