Can Multiple Users Share the Same Account/License?

Short answer

No, multiple users can’t share the same account/license.

The problem with shared accounts is that your data and scan results risk being corrupted if other users log into your account while you are logged in.

For example, you may be in the process of running a scan on the simulator or completing a course. If another user then logs in, you would risk being logged out and losing all your current progress.

Another problem with shared accounts is that it messes up course progress and simulator usage statistics. With shared accounts:

  • As a student user, only one of you who shared the same account would be able to complete a course and receive credits for it.
  • As teacher, you would not know which course was completed by which student, making individual grading impossible.
  • As clinical MRI supervisor, you would be unable to monitor which of your staff members were using the simulator to improve their skills – and how much they have used it.

For these reasons, each user needs to have an individual account/license. This ensures data does not get corrupted, and that course progress and simulator usage can be attributed to the right individual.

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A laptop displaying Corsmed's MRI simulator interface. The screen shows three cross-sectional knee scan images with pulse sequence settings being adjusted in the bottom panel.