Can I Buy Timed Access on Corsmed’s Simulator and Only Pay-per-Hour of Use?

Short answer

No. At the moment, you can only buy a “All you can scan” license for 3, 6, or 12 months.

During the period your license is active, you can perform as many scans as you want at no extra cost – regardless of how many scan simulations you run.

The reason why we chose this pricing model is that we want to encourage users to practice as much as possible on our MRI simulator. The more hours MRI technologists spend practicing, the better images they will perform out in the field, and the more patients will receive an accurate diagnosis.

With a timed-access pricing model, MRI technologists would instead be encouraged to scan as little as possible. This would set up the wrong incentives, and ultimately hurt the patient.

At Corsmed, we don’t want our users to worry about the constant tick of pricing meter when they use the simulator. That is why we offer an unlimited “All you can scan” license – to encourage the best MRI healthcare possible.

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A laptop displaying Corsmed's MRI simulator interface. The screen shows three cross-sectional knee scan images with pulse sequence settings being adjusted in the bottom panel.