Does Corsmed’s Simulator Improve MRI Scanning Skills in Real Clinics?

  • An expert MRI technologist needs 5 core skills:
    1. Knowledge of Anatomy and Medical Conditions
    2. Mastery of MRI Physics and Imaging Concepts
    3. Judgment in Choosing Protocols and Parameters
    4. Technical Expertise in Operations and Safety
    5. Skill in Managing Patients
  • Skills 1-3 separate true MRI experts from beginners.

    Improving these 3 skills leads to higher image quality, speeds up patient throughput, and reduces recalls. While skills 4-5 are important, they are learned easily on the job and rarely require additional training.

  • Real scanners excel at skills 4–5, but fall short for mastering skills 1–3.

    Limited access and lack of consistent feedback hinder learning on real scanners, making them less effective for building conceptual skills.

  • Corsmed is the best way to master skills 1–3.

    Its realistic simulations, unlimited practice, and tailored difficulty levels make it ideal for building the 3 key conceptual skills.

  • 50+ leading MRI institutions trust Corsmed to train their users in the 3 MRI skills that matter most.
Corsmed vs Real MRI Scanner – How effective each is for training the 5 MRI skills


The best way to master a skill is to practice doing the tasks you will need to perform in a real-life setting.

For example, if you want to learn a new language, research shows you improve far faster by listening to and speaking the language, rather than practicing vocabulary with flashcards. 1 2

But sometimes, it’s hard to get this real real-life training. This is especially true in MRI, where technologists often lack access to a real scanner so they can practice scan protocols with real patients.

To solve this problem, MRI software simulators like Corsmed has been developed. Corsmed allows students to get unlimited practice with MRI scanning on their laptops – anywhere, and at any time.

If you are considering Corsmed to boost your own MRI training, the top question on your mind is probably:

“Does Corsmed's MRI simulator actually improve MRI scanning skills in the real world — or do users only get better at using the software itself?”

The question is essentially what type of skill transfer one activity has to another.

For example, people sometimes claim that playing games like chess or Sudoku makes you smarter. But research shows that time spent practicing chess or Sudoku mainly improves your skill at playing that specific game — without making you more intelligent overall. 3 4

In other words, practicing one activity does not necessarily make you better at a related activity.

In this article, we will answer the question of whether Corsmed is an effective training tool to develop MRI scanning skills that apply to real clinical settings. We’ll explore:

  1. The 5 skills required for MRI expertise.
  2. The 4 criteria that make a training tool effective for skill development.
  3. How effective a real MRI scanner is for building the 5 MRI scanning skills.
  4. How effective Corsmed’s MRI simulator is for building the 5 MRI scanning skills.

The 5 Skills an Expert MRI Technologist Needs

Before exploring the simulator’s impact, we must understand what skills define an “expert” MRI technologist. Proficiency in MRI is not mastery of a single task — it includes a combination of skills in medicine, MRI theory, critical thinking, technology, and patient interaction.

These are the 5 essential skills an expert MRI Technologist needs:

  1. Knowledge of Anatomy and Medical Conditions:
    Skilled MRI technologists have deep knowledge of human anatomy and understand how different medical conditions impact imaging needs. They can identify symptoms and pinpoint critical areas that require focus, capturing essential details to ensure an accurate diagnosis.
  2. Mastery of MRI Physics and Imaging Concepts:
    MRI pros have a detailed knowledge of MRI physics and the imaging methods based on these principles. They know how every factor – from magnetic field strength to gradient sequences and echo times – affects the resulting image, and understand the complex trade-offs between all parameters.
  3. Judgment in Choosing Protocols and Parameters:
    Expert technologists know how to select and optimize imaging protocols to suit each patient’s unique needs. They adapt parameters to minimize artifacts, shorten scan times, and adjust for patient factors like prior surgeries, ensuring high-quality images every time.
  4. Technical Expertise in Operations and Safety:
    Great MRI technologists excel in operating and maintaining MRI equipment safely and effectively. They manage the console confidently, perform routine quality checks, and troubleshoot issues such as artifacts or equipment malfunctions to maintain both patient safety and image quality.
  5. Skill in Managing Patients:
    A crucial part of MRI scanning involves patient care. Experts can manage patient positioning, ensure comfort, and communicate clearly throughout the scan.

An expert MRI technologist should possess all these 5 skills.

Does Practice Lead to Mastery?
Only If These 4 Factors Are Present

Skill mastery isn’t always about clocking more hours.

In some cases, more practice time leads directly to better performance.

But in other cases, many years of experience may not lead to any real performance gains at all.

As an example, think of a golfer versus a stock investor.

  • For the golfer, practice leads directly to skill improvement — more time swinging means better precision, distance, and control.
  • But for a stock investor, in contrast, endless practice may not lead to expertise. Many research studies show how — despite decades of experience — most stock investors underperform the market average, and fail to even beat a dart-throwing chimp. 5 6

So what makes practice time effective in one case but not the other?

It comes down to having the right conditions and environment. Researchers have identified 4 factors that are necessary to make practice effective, and create the right conditions for learning a new skill.

Let’s explore each of these 4 factors below:

1. Simple and Non-Random Environment

In a skill-building environment, rules must stay stable, and outcomes should be predictable.

This consistency allows learners to understand the relationship between actions and results — without interference from random or uncontrollable factors.


  • In golf, the basic elements — swing mechanics, ball placement, and distance — stay consistent. The golfer can clearly see how adjusting their stance or swing affects the ball's direction.
  • For the investor, however, stock prices fluctuate due to unpredictable factors like global events and market sentiment. No matter how much they analyze, investors can’t rely on consistent feedback, making it harder to learn what actions will consistently lead to profit.

2. Repeated Attempts on the Same Task

Mastery requires repetition. To improve, learners must repeat similar processes over and over, which helps refine their skills and build confidence.


  • Golfers can practice on the same course, hitting the same types of shots repeatedly. This repetition allows them to fine-tune each swing.
  • Stock investors, however, rarely encounter identical market conditions. Each day’s market environment differs, which limits their ability to practice the same task in a controlled way and learn from repetition.

3. Immediate and Clear Feedback

Effective learning needs immediate, clear feedback. Without prompt responses on what worked and what didn’t, it’s tough to identify which choices led to success and which need adjustment.


  • In golf, the feedback is immediate. A swing either sends the ball where intended, or it doesn’t. The golfer instantly sees how their actions affect results.
  • For the investor, feedback is often delayed or unclear. Market reactions to trades aren’t instantaneous and can depend on countless unrelated factors, making it difficult to connect their choices to outcomes.

4. Tailored Exercises That Keep Pushing Your Comfort Zone

Learning accelerates when exercises challenge the learner in a way that’s just right—not too easy, but not overwhelming. When practice meets learners at their level and gradually increases in difficulty, they’re more likely to grow.


  • A golfer can practice progressively harder shots, starting with short putts and gradually moving to long drives or challenging course obstacles.
  • The stock investor, on the other hand, faces a far less tailored learning path. The stock market changes dramatically, sometimes making performance too easy (like during a boom) or too hard (during a crash). There is no steady progression suited to the investor’s skill level.

When these 4 factors align, they create what’s called a “kind” learning environment. In a kind environment, growth happens naturally through repetition, clear feedback, and structured practice.

However, when these factors are absent we call it a “wicked” learning environment — one filled with uncertainty, inconsistent feedback, and random outcomes that makes learning hard. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

For MRI technologists, a “kind” learning environment is essential. An ideal MRI training tool — whether a real scanner or a simulator — should replicate these 4 learning conditions to effectively build MRI scanning skills.

How Effective Are Real Scanners for Building MRI Scanning Skills?

Real MRI scanners provide the ultimate hands-on experience.

But sometimes, the most realistic experience is not always ideal for skill development — as the example of stock investing above shows.

In the section below, we will score real MRI scanners against the 4 key learning factors: non-random environment, repeated attempts, immediate feedback, and tailored challenge. This will help us see where a real scanner excels as a training tool, and where it may fall short.

We will then examine how this learning score impacts the development of the 5 core MRI skills.

How Does a Real Scanner Score on the 4 Learning Conditions?

  1. Simple and Non-Random Environment: 5/10

    MRI is a complex subject with many interconnected variables. And while rules of MRI physics are fixed, real scanners operate in dynamic and unpredictable environments.

    Random factors like patient movement or machine artifacts add variables outside the technologist’s control. This makes it harder to learn the cause-and-effect relations between parameter inputs and image outputs.

  2. Repeated Attempts on the Same Task: 3/10

    Access to real MRI scanners is limited by several factors. The demand to scan real patients makes scanners only available for limited time during off-peak hours. Trainees must also travel to hospitals, and only one person can use a scanner at a time.

    In addition, the anatomy and medical conditions will vary immensely from patient to patient. This makes it hard for technologists to repeat the same type of task.

    These factors severely limit the number of repeated training attempts – especially for uncommon clinical cases.

  3. Immediate and Clear Feedback: 7/10

    Each pulse sequence on a real scanner typically takes seconds to minutes. This provides fast feedback on basic factors like gross anatomy and motion artifacts.

    However, feedback clarity varies. Subtle issues, such as minor artifacts or incorrect contrast weighting, often require deeper post-scan analysis or radiologist feedback, which can take hours or even days.

  4. Tailored Exercises That Keep Pushing Your Comfort Zone: 5/10

    Real scanners naturally present varying levels of challenge. However, the technologist can’t choose which cases come in, and clinics that specialize in routine scans – such as outpatient facilities – may mostly handle predictable cases.

    This inability to tailor cases to push current skill levels limits how effective real scanners are as a training tool.


Real scanners score just 5/10 in providing a "kind" learning environment.

How Effective Is a Real Scanner for Building the 5 Core MRI Skills?

As the above section shows, the learning environment of real scanners is not very “kind”, which makes skill building harder.

However, these “unkind” learning conditions impact just 3 of the 5 core MRI skills:

  1. Knowledge of anatomy and medical conditions
  2. Mastery of MRI physics and imaging concepts, and
  3. Judgment of protocol and sequence selection.

On a real scanner, it’s hard to learn cause-and-effect relationships, because random factors obscure how parameter changes impact image outcomes. The lack of repeated attempts on the same task also doesn’t let trainees refine their understanding. And the inability to tailor cases to one’s skill level means neither beginners nor experts will likely get the training they need to improve.

However, real scanners excel in MRI skills 4 and 5: technical operations and patient management, as they provide the most authentic hands-on experience with real equipment and patients in a clinical setting.

We can thus score a real scanner on the 5 core MRI skills as follows:

Graph showing how effective a real MRI scanner is for building the 5 core MRI skills — Medical Knowledge: 4/10, MRI Understanding: 5/10,  Protocol and Sequence Selection: 5/10, Technical Expertise: 10/10, Patient Management: 9/10


Real scanners are invaluable for operational and patient-focused skills. But they are less effective when it comes to:

  1. Learning MRI concepts,
  2. Understanding imaging cause-and-effect relations, and
  3. Making good protocol and parameter selections.

While essential for hands-on training, real scanners may not be ideal for rapid skill-building in MRI technique, especially for beginners.

How Effective Is Corsmed’s Simulator for Building MRI Scanning Skills?

Corsmed’s MRI simulator, designed to replicate real MRI conditions with more control, could potentially fill the training gap of real scanners.

To evaluate if Corsmed’s simulator can be an effective training tool, we must first answer a critical question:

“Is the simulator accurate? Is every input captured — and reflected realistically — in the final image?”

The answer is "yes". Corsmed digitally replicates the exact same image-creation process as a real scanner, and with an astonishing degree of detail. This is possible thanks to many advanced technologies, such as:

  • Digital 3D patient models: These are digital 3D replicas of real patients made from millions of tiny voxels (3D pixels), each mere sub-millimeters in size. The voxels are painted with “digital tissues” that mimic the same magnetic properties of real tissue.
  • Bloch equations: These simulate how protons respond to magnetic fields and RF pulses. Corsmed uses Bloch equations to simulate millions of proton spins, within each of the millions of voxels, for every time.
  • Massively parallel GPU processing: The GPUs speed up the enormous amounts of calculations required. Just one advanced pulse sequence uses as much compute power as it takes to navigate 160 SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches simultaneously. 17
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launch
Image credit: WFTV

See this article to learn more about how Corsmed's simulator works.

This detailed replication ensures that Corsmed provides the same outputs as a real scanner – including anatomy, resolution, SNR, scan time, contrast, SAR, and artifacts.

Additionally, Corsmed provides the same inputs as a real scanner. Corsmed uses a vendor neutral interface, which has similar viewports, settings and layouts as most industry-standard scanners.

Corsmed users can also choose from every MRI setting imaginable, including:

  • All body parts and regions
  • 25+ pulse sequences
  • 30+ parameters
  • 15+ coils, and
  • 5+ magnetic field strengths

In total, the Corsmed simulator can run more possible MRI protocols than the total number of atoms on planet Earth.

See this page for a complete list of Corsmed settings and protocols.

Now that we’ve established Corsmed mirrors real scanners in accuracy, let’s evaluate how well it performs against the 4 key factors that create a “kind” learning environment.

How Does Corsmed’s Simulator Score on the 4 Learning Conditions?

  1. Simple and Non-Random Environment: 8/10

    Corsmed replicates MRI's inherent complexity, with many interconnected variables influencing the output. Unlike real scanners, however, the simulator can eliminate all external random factors, such as patient movement or machine artifacts.

    This controlled environment ensures that any change in the image is 100% due to the adjusted parameter. Users thus get the perfect conditions to master how parameter inputs affect image outputs.

  2. Repeated Attempts on the Same Task: 10/10

    Corsmed’s simulator is available 24/7 from any laptop, doesn’t require booking, and allows infinite practice on any case. Trainees can also repeat the exact same protocol as many times as they want, ensuring mastery of each parameter’s effects.

    In addition, because the simulator produces images up to 10X faster than real scanners, users can perform many more practice attempts on Corsmed in the same amount of time.

  3. Immediate and Clear Feedback: 10/10

    The simulator provides near-instant feedback in mere seconds after every sequence, thanks to GPU-powered simulations and image reconstruction. This helps users connect parameter changes directly to image outcomes, accelerating their understanding of MRI physics.

    Furthermore, Corsmed provides automatic written feedback to users that tells how their scan performs on key factors like Coverage, Field-of-View, and SNR – and gives hints on how they can adjust their settings to improve these factors.

    Corsmed interface showing an automatic grading for a submitted scan. On the left are grades for six parameters, including Field of View, Resolution, and Matrix. On the right are three speech bubbles with detailed feedback.
  4. Tailored Exercises That Push Your Comfort Zone: 9/10

    Corsmed allows users to fully customize every aspect of the MRI environment, making it as “kind” or as “wicked” as they want. It’s even possible to control patient movements and choose if the patient should have any pathologies.

    Beginners can create stable, straightforward scenarios to focus on mastering fundamentals. Advanced users can instead add more external factors — like patient movement or abnormally fast heart rates — even beyond what’s possible in real life. Expert users can also practice repeatedly on rare medical cases, like brain tumors, to keep their skills sharp.

    Corsmed is not a perfect 10/10 on this point, though, because it doesn’t yet automatically match users with practice cases tailored to their skill level.


Corsmed’s simulator score 9/10 in providing a "kind" learning environment.

How Effective Is Corsmed’s Simulator for Building the 5 Core MRI Skills?

The previous section shows that Corsmed’s simulator offers a very “kind” learning environment,  which is ideal for building skills.

However, these “kind” learning conditions impact just 3 of the 5 core MRI skills:

  1. Knowledge of anatomy and medical conditions
  2. Mastery of MRI physics and imaging concepts, and
  3. Judgment of protocol and sequence selection.

Corsmed’s controlled environment makes it ideal for understanding cause-and-effect relationships in MRI. Users can change parameters like TE or TR and instantly see how the image adjusts, free from random external factors.

In addition, the ability to repeat tasks as often as needed allows learners to refine their understanding. This is especially important for complex sequences or uncommon cases. The detailed image anatomy also helps build users’ medical expertise.

However, the simulator doesn’t expose users to all the real-life variability in medical conditions, making its anatomical training excellent but not comprehensive.

But when it comes to MRI skills 4 and 5 — technical operations and patient management — Corsmed has limitations.

The simulator offers no physical interaction with hardware, so users gain little practical experience in troubleshooting equipment or ensuring safety protocols.

Similarly, managing real patients — positioning them correctly, addressing anxiety, or ensuring comfort — is completely absent in a virtual setting. These hands-on skills require real-world practice, which no software simulator can fully replicate.

We can thus score Corsmed’s simulator on the 5 core MRI skills as follows:

Graph showing how effective Corsmed's MRI simulator is for building the 5 core MRI skills — Medical Knowledge: 8/10, MRI Understanding: 10/10,  Protocol and Sequence Selection: 9/10, Technical Expertise: 4/10, Patient Management: 1/10

However, technical operations and patient management are also the two skills that are most quickly learned on the job. Within a few months, a new MRI technician will perform these tasks about as well as an expert.

In fact, in all our hundreds of conversations with MRI universities and hospitals from around the world, not a single institution has been concerned that their technicians didn’t get enough practice in technical operations or patient management.

But nearly every institution we have talked with is concerned that their technicians don’t get enough practice on skills 1, 2, and 3: medical knowledge, MRI understanding, and judgment in protocol and parameter selection.


Real MRI scanners and Corsmed’s simulator are both valuable tools to train MRI technologists. But they excel at developing different types of MRI skills.

Real scanners are unmatched for building technical operations and patient management skills. They offer the most authentic exposure to equipment handling, troubleshooting, and real-world patient care, making them essential for clinic-ready training.

But if you need to build conceptual understanding and decision-making MRI skills — which is what most other MRI institutions are concerned about — Corsmed’s simulator is the best choice.

In the graph below, we can see compare a real MRI scanner vs Corsmed's simulator in how effective they are for developing the 5 core MRI skills:

Graph showing how a comparison for a real MRI scanner vs Corsmed's MRI simulator in how effective they are for building the 5 core MRI skills. Corsmed is clearly better for building the 3 skills that require practice: Medical Knowledge, MRI Understanding, and Protocol and Sequence Selection

Corsmed's controlled environment, unlimited practice, and tailored exercises make it ideal for:

  1. Mastering cause-and-effect relationships between parameter inputs and image outputs,
  2. Practicing advanced imaging techniques and handling complex cases, and
  3. Optimizing protocols to produce higher-quality images in less time.

This is why leading MRI colleges and hospitals use Corsmed’s simulator to educate their students and upskill their MRI technologists, including:

  1. NHS: UK’s National Health Services
  2. British Columbia Institute of Technology
  3. Indiana University
  4. National Polytechnic College
  5. CNI College
  6. University of Mississippi Medical Center
  7. Pulse Radiology Institute
  8. Gurnick Academy
  9. City, University of London
  10. London Imaging Academy
  11. University of Exeter
  12. Utrecht University
  13. Geneva School of Health Sciences
  14. Università di Bologna
  15. The University College, Léonard de Vinci

Want to learn more about how Corsmed can enhance your MRI education or training program?

Book a free consultation with one of our experts today, and discover how Corsmed can help you take your MRI skills to the next level.


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